Friday, May 25, 2007

Hey this is my set, for the strong man video on the tongkat ali concept. have to go back and refilm haiz... cos i didnt get enuff shots.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I hope to give a happy feeling... haha
give comments

Dont waste time.
i kinda like this but dont know wats else to add to it haha....

Monday, May 21, 2007

Super Cool Clip

I Found this clip on a Magazine CD
I felt that the colour used is very basic, as only colour sure as red,blue,green and yellow is used, and this were the main colours used in the clip.

As for the visual wise, it gives me a very smooth finishing and it does flow as a video clip.( as compare to my 1st Project, i felt i should learn how to link up my images or scences more such that it does not feel like a sudden break.)

As for the texture, there isnt much play of it except that it all look very graphical.

If u wanna see the clip just ask me, i have it but dunno how to upload. haha...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Dumb idea

ok i have this stupid idea 2day while bathing.
I saw a black pile of stain in my bathroom then i suddenily thought of it turning into a butterfly as in a motion graphic form then its flew off the wall. haha
i think its kinda dumb but i kinda like it... heehee

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Actnaughty, this is for you, after your last week presentation i took busy home and i saw this ads quite intresting, its a person mouth with a black stain in it and there is the listerine beside it which clearly stead how to remove it. quite cute haha. do take a look...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Escalator without steps...

Imgine a escalator without setps.
there this is for you

Cool? another pix by me without editing, haha just play with ur cam..
Maybe this can be add on slipery steps?
Perharps a shoe add or things like that haha...

Sunday, May 6, 2007


I felt that leaves has a very free form feeling.

As For the building, its autually like singapore esplanade except for it is in other country, it uses the element of fish as the building structure, you just have to take a look and use some imagination and you can see it.