Thursday, November 8, 2007

Analysis Of Commercial

Agfa Flim

Basically, i find that this commercial works. It also has a very good punch line [joke]
The product is relatively new and special in the market, which is a camera that are waterproof, an uncommon scene. Thus the commercial merely serves for exposure, and the company has taken the humor approach.
The ad uses 3 beautiful women, so again it is making use of the sex element to attract viewers' attention, with the women taking off their undergarments to tease the nerd. However this is also when the element of surprise appears when the nerd actually took out a camera in the water. The use of humour in this sense is a very good approach as its hits strongly on its demographic groups, which spans from teenagers to working adults; people who love do water sports.
The ad works in telling people about the existence of the product, however it did not showcase the other features the camera has apart from it being waterproof. This is a faultline, as many other rival companies too have waterproof cameras. The ad did not tackle the issue of setting its product apart, specifically better, than the rest in the market.


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March 31, 2008 at 12:55 PM  

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